Dimoulas A. Charalampos

Dimoulas A. Charalampos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)
Dr. Electrical and Computers Engineer (AUTh)
Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications AUTh
Director of the Laboratory of Electronic Media AUTh (tel. +302310 994245)
Multidisciplinary Media & Mediated Communication Research Group (M3C) http://m3c.web.auth.gr/
e-mail:babis@eng.auth.gr, babis@jour.auth.gr, c.a.dimoulas@gmail.com, babis@gapps.auth.gr
profiles: Scholar Google, Academia, LinkedIn, AES

Short CV (Golden Pargraph)

Dr. Charalampos A. Dimoulas was born in Munich, Germany, on August 14, 1974. He received his diploma and Ph.D. from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in 1997 and 2006, respectively. In 2008, he received a post-doctoral research scholarship on audiovisual processing and content management techniques for intelligent analysis of prolonged multi-channel recordings at the Laboratory of Electronic Media (School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh). He was elected Lecturer (November 2009), Assistance Professor (June 2014), Associate Professor (October 2018) and Professor (October 2022) of Electronic Media at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh, where he is currently serving.

Dr. Dimoulas was the conference chair of the program chair of the 11th Greek National Conference (ACOUSTICS 2022) of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) (https://conferences.helina.gr/2022/gr/committees/) and the program chair of the AudioMostly 2015 conference on “Sound, semantics and social interaction,” co-editing the associated proceedings in the ACM-Association (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2814895). Following the successful organization of this conference, he was a co-editor of the JAES special issue(s) (2) on “Intelligent audio processing, Semantics, and interaction” (Vol. 64, no 7/8 & 9, 2016). He is also the author of the book Multimedia authoring and management technologies (in Greek) (http://repository.kallipos.gr/handle/11419/4343) and a co-author of the book Cross-Media Authentication and Verification (https://www.igi-global.com/book/cross-media-authentication-verification/190476). Recently (2020-22), he edited the Special Issue “Cultural Heritage Storytelling, Engagement and Management in the Era of Big Data and the Semantic Web” in the Sustainability journal (MDPI) https://bit.ly/39bWhqw, with twelve (12) published papers, contributed by highly impacted researchers, resulting in the publication of an associated edited book (https://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfdownload/book/4981#page=10). He is also the co-editor of the Special Issue “Theory and Applications of Web 3.0 in the Media Sector” in the Future Internet journal (MDPI) https://bit.ly/2xj50dg.

He is a founding member of the multidisciplinary research group M3C (Multidisciplinary Media & Mediated Communication research, http://m3c.web.auth.gr/) and, since June 2022, has been the director of the Laboratory of Electronic Media, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh. He also participates in the Greek media misinformation observatory (https://ellpap.gr/). Since 2020, he has been a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES) in signal processing and semantic audio topics (https://www.aes.org/journal/ed_board.cfm). Since November 2020, he has been the Secretary General of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (https://helina.gr/en/the-institute/administration/). During 2013-15, he was the leader of the “audiovisual team” for the Pandora robotic vehicle (pandora.ee.auth.gr) project, mainly focusing on audio detection – localization and machine vision tasks. Dr. Dimoulas has participated in over thirty (30) national and international research projects during the last twenty (20) years and also in many respective scientific publications. His current scientific interests include media technologies, audiovisual signal processing, machine learning, multimedia semantics, cross-media authentication, digital audio and audiovisual forensics, and more. He teaches graduate and post-graduate courses in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications AUTh, the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUTh, the Hellenic Open University, and other programs. Dr. Dimoulas is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), HELINA, IEEE, and AES.

Studies - academic degrees
1992 Graduation from senior high school of Pirgetos. Grade 19.7 (Excellent mark).
1997 Diploma of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Grade 7.28 (Very good mark), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Telecommunications division, Faculty of Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh).
2006 Doctoral diploma. Grade 10 (Excellent Mark), Theme: "Audio-visual processing and content management techniques, for the study of (human) bioacoustics' phenomena", Laboratory of Electroacoustics and TV Systems, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Telecommunications division, Faculty of Engineering of AUTh.
2008 Post-doctoral research on "Advanced audio-visual processing and content management techniques: application to audiovisual production and new communication media environment", Laboratory of Electronic Media, School of Journalism and Mass Communications (Scholarship from Research Committee of AUTh).
2009 Lecturer of Media Technology, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh
2014 Assistant Professor of Media Technology, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh
2018 Associate Professor of Media Technology, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh
2022 Director of the Laboratory of Electronic Media, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh
2022 Professor of Media Technology, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh






Professional experience

School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh, Laboratory of Electronic Media


Professor AUTh
Associate Professor AUTh
Assistant Professor AUTh
Lecturer AUTh



    Dr. Electrical and Computers Engineer (administrative staff)   2010-2011
    Appointed Lecturer (P.D. 407/80) to support Labiratory courses at the Laboratory of Electronic Media AUTh   2002-2003
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUTh   Research Associate at the Laboratory of Electroacoustics and TV Systems   1998-σήμερα
    Adjunct Professor for the graduate course "Audio and Video Technology: Recording, processing, broadcasting"   2017-σήμερα
    Teacher and board member of the postgraduate program “Advanced Computer and Communication Systems”   2007-σήμερα
    Director of the path “Audio and video technologies for the production and the education” of the above post-graduate program
    Researcher in the project «Support of Informatics studies». Participation in the program "assistant teaching of Ph.D. candidates"   1998-2006

Research Comittee - Special Account for Research Funds, AUTh


Researcher in Media and Communication Technologies, specializing in audio and video domains



Hellenic Open University, School of Applied arts and Sustainable Design  

Supervisor of Diploma theses, MA program "Graphic Arts – Multimedia (GTP)"


2010-2012, 2018-2019

    Advisor Professor - Coordinator of Thematic Module "ASP-50 Sound and Arts" / "ASP-50 Acoustic Design", MA program "Acoustic Design and Digital Audio (ASP)"   2016-σήμερα



Advisor Professor of Thematic Module "ASP-61 Digital Sound", MA program "Acoustic Design and Digital Audio (ASP)"



    Supervisor of Diploma theses, MA program "Acoustic Design and Digital Audio (ASP)"   2017-σήμερα






General Directorate of Technical Services and Computerization


Dipl. Electrical and Computers Engineer (administrative staff)








Research Comittee - Special Account for Research Funds, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)


"Integrated Service of Greek Academic Electronic Books" (www.kallipos.gr/): "Creation of Electronic Books and Aids" as: a) the main author, and b) the evaluator of proposals of Call 1 "Engineering Sciences and Informatics" (1 Evaluation)




Dept. of Electronics, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki (ex ATEITH)


Research Associate/Adjunct Lecturer of Media Technology, Sound Systems, and Audiovisual Production




Dept, of Research Programs ATEITH


Research Associate of Information and Communication Technologies, specializing in audio and video domains




Professional Training Institute (IEK) of Epanomi (IEK Epanomis)


Hourly instructor for the teaching of the course "Multimedia / audio composition processing" (specialty Teleinformatics Technician, 140 hours: spring and fall semester 2000)




Opera Thessalonikis


Design and implementation of a comprehensive technical study for the acoustic treatment of the Eptapyrgio of Thessaloniki and the installation of multi-channel recording and sound reproduction systems, for the audiovisual coverage and the application of ambisonic techniques of Beethoven's opera Fidelio performance




Freelance Professional – consulting services


Engineering & Education Consultant in Acoustics, Audio-Visual and Radio-TV Systems, multimedia applications and Web services




Books - Edited Volumes
  1. Katsaounidou, A., Dimoulas, C., & Veglis, A. (2019). Cross-Media Authentication and Verification: Emerging Research and Opportunities . IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5592-6

  2. Dimoulas C. (Ed.), Special Issue on “Cultural Heritage Storytelling, Engagement and Management in the Era of Big Data and the Semantic Web”, Sustainability (MDPI), https://bit.ly/39bWhqw, 2022.

  3. Dimoulas C. (Ed.), Cultural Heritage Storytelling, Engagement and Management in the Era of Big Data and the Semantic Web, https://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfdownload/book/4981#page=10, ISBN 978-3-0365-3068-0, MDPI, 2022[“Printed”/eBook Edition of the Special Issue (2) Published in Sustainability].

  4. Veglis A. & Dimoulas C. (Eds.), Special Issue on “Theory and Applications of Web 3.0 in the Media Sector”, Future Internet (MDPI), https://bit.ly/2xj50dg, 2023.

  5. Dimoulas C. & Veglis A. (Ed.), Theory and Applications of Web 3.0 in the Media Sector, Future Internet (MDPI), https://www.mdpi.com/books/book/7334-theory-and-applications-of-web-3-0-in-the-media-sector, ISBN 978-3-0365-7651-0, MDPI, 2023 [“Printed”/eBook Edition of the Special Issue (4) Published in Future Internet].

  6. Dimoulas, C.A., Multimedia Authoring and Management Technologies: Non-Linear Storytelling in the New Digital Media; Association of Greek Academic Libraries: Athens, Greece, 2015; (In Greek). ISBN: 978-960-603-221-9. Available online: http://repository.kallipos.gr/handle/11419/4343

  7. Kalliris G., Dimoulas C. & Uhle C. (Eds.), Special Issue (part I) on “Intelligent audio processing, semantics, and interaction,” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 64, no. 7/8, pp. 464-543, July /Aug. 2016.

  8. Kalliris G., Dimoulas C. & Uhle C. (Eds.), Special Issue (part II) on “Intelligent audio processing, semantics, and interaction,” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 629-695, Sept. 2016.

  9. Kalliris G. & Dimoulas C. (Eds.), “Sound, semantics and social interaction”, Proceedings of the 10th Audio Mostly (A Conference on Interaction with Sound), Thessaloniki, Greece — October 07 - 09, 2015, ACM Digital Library, New York 2015: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2814895

  10. Kotsakis R. & Dimoulas C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Greek National Conference "Acoustics 2022", online: https://conferences.helina.gr/2022/gr/proceedings/, 2022.


International Journals (with reviewers)
  1. Dimoulas, C. A., & Veglis, A., “Theory and Applications of Web 3.0 in the Media Sector,” Future Internet, 15(5), 165, 2023, https://doi.org/10.3390/fi15050165.

  2. Dimoulas, Charalampos A., “Cultural Heritage Storytelling, Engagement and Management in the Era of Big Data and the Semantic Web,” Sustainability 14(2), 812, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/su14020812.

  3. Vryzas N., Katsaounidou A., Vrysis L, Kotsakis R., and Dimoulas C., “Α prototype web application to support human-centered audio-visual content authentication and crowdsourcing,” Future Internet, 14(3), 75, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/fi14030075

  4. Niarchos, M., Stamatiadou, M. E., Dimoulas, C., Veglis, A., & Symeonidis, A., “A Semantic Preprocessing Framework for Breaking News Detection to Support Future Drone Journalism Services,” Future Internet, 14(1), 26, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/fi14010026

  5. Psomadaki, O., Matsiola, M., Dimoulas, C. A., & Kalliris, G. M., “The Significance of Digital Network Platforms to Enforce Musicians’ Entrepreneurial Role: Assessing Musicians’ Satisfaction in Using Mobile Applications,” Sustainability, 14(10), 5975, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/su14105975

  6. Avraam, E., Veglis, A., & Dimoulas, C., “Comparison of publishing and consumption patterns in Greek Media websites,” Journalism and Media, 3, no. 1: 134-143, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia3010011

  7. Palioura M., & Dimoulas C., “Digital Storytelling in Education: A Transmedia Integration Approach for the Non-Developers,” Education Sciences, 12(8):559, 2022https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12080559.

  8. Kotsakis, R.; Vrysis, L.; Vryzas, N.; Saridou, T.; Matsiola, M.; Veglis, A.; & Dimoulas C., “A web framework for information aggregation and management of multilingual hate speech,” Heliyon,(revised, under 2nd review).

  9. Kotenidis E., Vryzas N., Veglis A., Dimoulas C., “Integrating Chatbot Media Automations in Professional Journalism: An Evaluation Framework,” Future Internet. 2022; 14(11):343. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi14110343.

  10. Vrysis L., Thoidis I., Dimoulas C., & Papanikolaou G. “A Deep Learning Front-End for Context-Agnostic Audio Classification,” Multimedia tools and applications (submitted, under review).

  11. Kotsakis, R. & Dimoulas C., “Extending radio broadcasting semantics through adaptive audio segmentation automations,” Knowledge 2022, 2, 347-364. https://doi.org/10.3390/knowledge2030020

  12. Stamatiadou M., Thoidis I., Vryzas N., Vrysis L., & Dimoulas C., “Semantic crowdsourcing of Soundscapes Heritage: A MoJo Model for data-driven storytelling”, Sustainability 13 (5), 2714, 2021.

  13. Vrysis L., Hadjileontiadis L., Thoidis I., Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., “Enhanced Temporal Feature Integration in Audio Semantics via Alpha-Stable Modeling,”Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 69(4), 227-237, 2021.

  14. Vrysis, L.; Vryzas, N.; Kotsakis, R.; Saridou, T.; Matsiola, M.; Veglis, A.; Arcila-Calderón, C.; Dimoulas, C., “A Web Interface for Analyzing Hate Speech,” Future Internet 13 (3), 80, 2021.

  15. Gounaridou A., Siamtanidou E., & Dimoulas C., “A Serious Game for Mediated Education on Traffic Behavior and Safety Awareness,” Education Sciences 11(3), 127, 2021.

  16. Avraam E, Veglis A, Dimoulas C, “News article consumption habits of Greek internet users,” Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication, Special Issue on Alternative Communications: A much needed transformation, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 79-93, https://doi.org/10.34097/jeicom-3-2-december2021-5, Dec. 2021 (first presented-announced at the 6th International Conference on Communication and Management -ICCM2021, August 2021).

  17. Avraam, E., Veglis, A., & Dimoulas, C., “Publishing Patterns in Greek Media Websites,” Social Sciences, 10(2), 59, 2021.

  18. Vryzas N., Vrysis L., Kotsakis R., Dimoulas C. A., “A web crowdsourcing framework for transfer learning and personalized Speech Emotion Recognition,” Machine Learning with Applications, 6 (2021) 100132.

  19. Vryzas N., Vrysis L., & Dimoulas C., “Audiovisual speaker indexing for Web-TV Automations”, Expert Systems with Applications, 186 (2021) 115833.

  20. Tsipas, N., Vrysis, L., Konstantoudakis, K., & Dimoulas, C., “Semi-supervised audio-driven TV-news speaker diarization using deep neural embeddings,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148(6), 3751-3761, 2020.

  21. Vryzas N., Vrysis L., Matsiola M., Kotsakis R., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G, “Continuous Speech Emotion Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks”, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 68(1/2), 14-24, 2020.

  22. Vrysis L., Tsipas N., Thoidis I., Dimoulas C., “1D/2D Deep CNNs vs. Temporal Feature Integration for General Audio Classification”, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 68(1/2), 66-77, 2020.

  23. Vryzas N., Tsipas N. and Dimoulas C., “Web radio automation for audio stream management in the era of big data”, Information (MDPI), 11(4), 205, 2020.

  24. Kotsakis Ρ., Matsiola Μ., Kalliris Γ., and Dimoulas C., “Investigation of spoken-language detection and classification in broadcasted audio content”, Information (MDPI), 11(4), 211, 2020.

  25. Katsaounidou A. N., Gardikiotis A., Tsipas N., & Dimoulas C. A., “News authentication and tampered images: Evaluating the photo-truth impact through image verification algorithms”, Heliyon, 6(12), e05808, 2020.

  26. Chatzara, E., Kotsakis, R., Tsipas, N., Vrysis, L., & Dimoulas, C., “Machine-Assisted Learning in Highly-Interdisciplinary Media Fields: A Multimedia Guide on Modern Art”, Education Sciences, 9(3), 198, 2019.

  27. Sidiropoulos, E., Vryzas, N., Vrysis, L., Avraam, E., & Dimoulas, C., “Growing Media Skills and Know-How in Situ: Technology-Enhanced Practices and Collaborative Support in Mobile News-Reporting”, Education Sciences, 9(3), 173, 2019.

  28. Katsaounidou, A., Vrysis, L., Kotsakis, R., Dimoulas, C., & Veglis, A., “MAthE the Game: A Serious Game for Education and Training in News Verification”, Education Sciences, 9(2), 155, 2019.

  29. Vryzas, N., Sidiropoulos, E., Vrysis, L., Avraam, E., & Dimoulas, C., “Machine-assisted reporting in the era of Mobile Journalism: the MOJO-mate platform”, Strategy and Development Review, 9, pp. 22-43, Sept. 2019 (first presented -announced at the 5th International Conference on Communication and Management -ICCM2019, April 2019).

  30. Katsaounidou, A., Vryzas, N., Kotsakis, R., Dimoulas, C., “Multimodal News authentication as a service: The ‘True News’ Extension”, Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication (JEICOM), Special Issue 1, December 2019, pp. 11-26, DOI: 10.34097/jeicom_SI_Dec2019-1 (first presented - announced at the 5th International Conference on Communication and Management -ICCM2019, April 2019).

  31. Psomadaki O., Dimoulas C, Kalliris G, and Paschalidis G., “Digital storytelling and audience engagement in cultural heritage management: A collaborative model based on the Digital City of Thessaloniki”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 36, 12-22, 2019.

  32. Konstantoudakis, K., Vrysis, L., Tsipas, N., & Dimoulas C., “Block unshifting high-accuracy motion estimation: A new method adapted to super-resolution enhancement”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 65, pp. 81-93, July 2018.

  33. Vryzas N., Kotsakis R., Liatsou A., Dimoulas C, and Kalliris G, “Speech Emotion Recognition for Performance Interaction”, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 66(6), 457-467, 2018.

  34. PM Filippidis, C Dimoulas, C Bratsas, A Veglis, “A multimodal semantic model for event identification on sports media content”, Journal of Media Critiques [JMC], 4(14) 2018 (republication from the conference paper c28).

  35. N Vryzas, E Sidiropoulos, L Vrysis, E Avraam, CA Dimoulas, “A mobile cloud computing collaborative model for the support of on-site content capturing and publishing”, Journal of Media Critiques [JMC], 4(14) 2018 (republication from the conference paper c27).

  36. Ntalakas, A., Dimoulas, C. A., Kalliris, G., & Veglis, A, “Drone journalism: generating immersive experiences”, Journal of Media Critiques [JMC], 3(11) 2017 (republication from the conference paper c31).

  37. Konstantoudakis K, Vrysis L, Papanikolaou G, Dimoulas C, “High accuracy block-matching sub-pixel motion estimation through detection of error surface minima,” Multimed. Tools. Appl., 2017, DOI:10.1007/s11042-017-4497-0.

  38. Tsipas N, Vrysis L., Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., “Efficient audio-driven multimedia indexing through similarity-based speech/music discrimination,” Multimed. Tools. Appl., 2017, 1-19 (DOI 10.1007/s11042-016-4315-0).

  39. C. Dimoulas, “Audiovisual spatial-audio analysis by means of sound localization and imaging: a multimedia healthcare framework in abdominal sound mapping”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1969-1976, 2016.

  40. L. Vrysis, N. Tsipas, C. Dimoulas, and G. Papanikolaou, “Crowdsourcing audio semantics by means of hybrid bimodal segmentation with hierarchical classification,” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 1042-1054, Dec. 2016.

  41. Antonopoulos N., Giomelakis D., Veglis A., Gardikiotis A., Dimoulas C., “Web Third-Person Effect Hypothesis: Do likes and shares affect users’ perceptions” Journalism and Mass Communication, vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 2016 (doi: 10.17265/2160-6579/2016.12.001).

  42. C.A. Dimoulas and A.L. Symeonidis, “Syncing Shared Multimedia through Audiovisual Bimodal Segmentation,” IEEE MultiMedia (Special Issue: “Social Multimedia and Storytelling: Using Social Media to Capture, Mine, and Recreate Experiences, Events, and Places”), vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 26-42, 2015.

  43. Kotsakis R., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G. & Veglis A., “Emotional Prediction and Content Profile Estimation in Evaluating Audiovisual Mediated Communication”, International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research, 2(4), 62-80, October-December 2014.

  44. Kalliris G., Matsiola M., Dimoulas C. & Veglis A., “Emotional Aspects and Quality of Experience for Multifactor Evaluation of Audiovisual Content”, International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research, 2(4), 40-61, October-December 2014.

  45. Dimoulas C, Kalliris G, Chatzara E, Tsipas N, and Papanikolaou G., “Audiovisual production, restoration-archiving and content management methods to preserve local tradition and folkloric heritage”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 15, no 3, pp. 234–241, 2014.

  46. Spyridou L-P, Matsiola M., Veglis A., Kalliris G. and Dimoulas C., “Journalism in a state of flux: Journalists as agents of technology innovation and emerging news practices”, in Roger Dickinson, Julian Matthews and Kostas Saltzis(Eds.) International Communication Gazette Special Issue: New(s) Media Technologies and New(s) Work: Changing Journalistic Practices across Europe, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 76-98, Feb 2013.

  47. Kotsakis R., Kalliris G., Dimoulas C.,“Investigation of broadcast-audio semantic analysis scenarios employing radio-programme-adaptive pattern classification”, Speech Communication, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 743-762, 2012.

  48. Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., Petridis V., “Pattern Classification and Audiovisual Content Management techniques using Hybrid Expert Systems: a video-assisted Bioacoustics Application in Abdominal Sounds Pattern Analysis”, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 13082-13093, 2011.

  49. Dimoulas C., Avdelidis A., Kalliris G. and Papanikolaou G., “Joint Wavelet Video Denoising and Motion Activity Detection in multi-modal human activity analysis: application to video - assisted bioacoustic / psycho-physiological monitoring”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, in Enis Ahmet Cetin, Eric Pauwels, and Ovidio Salvetti (Eds.) Special Issue Human-Activity Analysis in Multimedia Data, vol. 2008, doi:10.1155/2008/792028.

  50. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G., Petridis V. and Kalampakas A., “Bowel-sound pattern analysis using wavelets and neural networks with application to long-term, unsupervised, gastrointestinal motility monitoring”, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 34, no 1, pp. 26-41, 2008.

  51. Vegiris C., Avdelidis K., Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., “Live Broadcasting of High Definition Audiovisual Content Using HDTV over Broadband IP Networks,” International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, vol. 2008, Article ID 250654, doi:10.1155/2008/250654, 18 pages, 2008.

  52. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G. and Kalampakas A., “Long-term signal detection, segmentation and summarization using wavelets and fractal dimension: a bioacoustics application in gastrointestinal motility monitoring”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 37, no 4, pp. 438-462, 2007.

  53. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G. and Kalampakas A., “Novel wavelet domain Wiener filtering de-noising techniques: application to bowel sounds captured by means of abdominal surface vibrations”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 1, no 3, pp. 177-218, 2006.

Abstracts published in International Journals  

  1. Kalabakas AA, Agorastos I, Dimoulas C, Papanikolaou G, Arvanitakis C., “Recording and analysis of bowel sounds”, Gastroenterology, vol. 116, no. 4, pp. A1013-A1013, Part 2, Meeting Abstract: G4400, Apr. 1999.

  2. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G. and Pastiadis C., “Computer aided systems for prolonged recording and analysis of human bowel sounds”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 105, no 2, p. 1102 (Abstract), Feb. 1999.

  1. Dimoulas C., “Multimedia”, in D. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE international encyclopedia of mass media and society (Vol. 1, pp. 1140-1143). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781483375519, n434, 2020.

  2. Dimoulas C., “Audio Editing”, In D. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE international encyclopedia of mass media and society (Vol. 1, pp. 119-121). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781483375519, n53, 2020.

  3. Dimoulas C., “Video Editing”, in D. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE international encyclopedia of mass media and society (Vol. 1, pp. 1851-1854). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781483375519, n715, 2020.

  4. Dimoulas C., “Digital Rights Management”, in D. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE international encyclopedia of mass media and society (Vol. 1, pp. 476-477). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/ 9781483375519, n189, 2020.

  5. Dimoulas Charalampos, “Tag Cloud”, in D. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE international encyclopedia of mass media and society (Vol. 1, pp. 1706-1706). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/ 9781483375519, n659, 2020.

  6. Dimoulas C, “Machine Learning”, in Bruce Arrigo (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy, Sage Publications Inc., pp. 591-592, 2018, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483359922.n267

  7. Psomadaki O., Dimoulas C, Kalliris G, and Paschalidis G., “Technologies of Non Linear Storytelling for the Management of Cultural Heritage in the Digital City: The Case of Thessaloniki”, in Ioannides, Marinos (Ed.), Digital Cultural Heritage, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature, 2018.

  8. Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., & Matsiola M, “Post-production I: Media Management, Sound Editing and Mixing”, in Michael Filimowicz (Ed.), Foundations in Sound Design for Linear Media, Taylor & Francis/Routledge (pp. 82-112), 2018.

  9. Dimoulas C., Veglis A., Kalliris G., “Semantically enhanced authoring of shared media”, in Dr. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (4th Ed.), IGI global, 2018.

  10. Katsaounidou A. & Dimoulas C., “Integrating Content Authentication Support in Media Services”, in Dr. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (4th Ed.), IGI global, 2018.

  11. Veglis A., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., “Towards intelligent cross-media publishing: media practices and technology convergence perspectives”, in A. Lugmayr, & C. Dal Zotto (Eds.), Media Convergence Handbook - Vol. 1, Media Business and Innovation, pp. 131-150, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016.

  12. Matsiola M., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Veglis A., “Augmenting User Interaction Experience through Embedded Multimodal Media Agents in Social Networks”, in Dr. John Sahlin (Ed.), Social Media and the Transformation of Interaction in Society, IGI Global, chapter 10, pp. 188-209, doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8556-7, 2015.

  13. Dimoulas C., Veglis A., Kalliris G., “Audiovisual hypermedia in the semantic Web”, in Dr. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (3rd Ed.), IGI global, 7594-7604, doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch748, 2015.

  14. Dimoulas C., Veglis A., Kalliris G., “Application of mobile cloud based technologies in news reporting: current trends and future perspectives”, in Joel Rodrigues, Kai Lin & Jaime Lloret (Eds.), Mobile Networks and Cloud Computing Convergence for Progressive Services and Applications”, IGI Global, book chapter 17, pp. 320-343, 2014.

  15. Avdelidis K., Dimoulas C., Kalliris, G. and Papanikolaou G., “Adaptive phoneme alignment based on rough set theory”, in Eds. (Szczuka, Marcin and Kryszkiewicz, Marzena and Ramanna, Sheela and Jensen, Richard and Hu, Qinghua), Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, vol. 6086, pp. 100-109, 2010.

Book chapter in Greek edited volume

  1. Dimoulas C., “Communication Technologies & Sports: A timeless relationship of strong interaction”, in Tsingilis N. & Mastrogiannakis D. (Eds.) Sports and Media: Rhetoric, identities, and representations, pp. 211-242, Zygos Publications, Thessaloniki 2020.

Technical report in the DCASE 2020 international competition

  1. Kaltampanidis, Y., Thoidis, I., Vrysis, L., & Dimoulas, C., “Unsupervised Detection of Anomalous Sounds via Protopnet,” DCASE technical report, Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2020.

Technical description papers (tdps) in the international competition RoboCup Rescue

  1. Petrou L., Symeonidis A., Dimoulas C., Tsardoulias E., “RoboCup Rescue 2015 - Robot League Team PANDORA (Greece)”, technical description paper (tdp), RoboCup 2015.

  2. Petrou L., Symeonidis A., Dimoulas C., Petridis V., “RoboCupRescue 2014 - Robot League Team PANDORA (Greece)”, technical description paper (tdp), RoboCup 2014.

  3. Petridis V., Doulgeri Z., Petrou L., Symeonidis A., Dimoulas C., “RoboCup Rescue 2013 - Robot League Team PANDORA (Greece)”, technical description paper (tdp), RoboCup 2013.

Submitted technical paper in the international competition MIREX-2015

  1. Tsipas N., Vrysis L., Dimoulas C. & Papanikolaou G., “MIREX 2015: Methods for speech / music detection and classification”, Laboratory of Electroacoustics and TV Systems, 2015.


Conference Proceedings (with reviewers)
  1. Vryzas N., Stamatiadou M.-E., Vrysis L., and Dimoulas, C., “The BeeMate: Air quality monitoring through crowdsourced audiovisual data”, accepted for presentation at the 8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies 2023 - technical paper: Citizen Science, June 20-23, 2023.

  2. Stamatiadou M.-E., Vryzas N., Vrysis L., and Dimoulas C., “BeeMate the Game: A hunting treasure serious game for raising awareness and audience engagement in air pollution monitoring”, accepted for presentation at the 8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies 2023 - technical paper: Citizen Science, June 20-23, 2023.

  3. Siamtanidou E., Vryzas N., Vrysis L., and Dimoulas C., “A serious game for crowdsourcing and self-evaluating speech emotion annotated data”, accepted for presentation at the 154th AES Convention, AES Europe 2023, Helsinki, May 13-15, 2023.

  4. Emvoliadis A., Vryzas N., Stamatiadou M.-E., Vrysis L., Dimoulas C., Drosou A., and Tzovaras D., A “Robust Deep Learning-based System for Environmental Audio Compression and Classification”, accepted for presentation at the 154th AES Convention, AES Europe 2023, Helsinki, May 13-15, 2023.

  5. Xylogiannis P., Vryzas N., Bountourakis V., and Dimoulas C., “Multichannel speaker diarization with arbitrary microphone arrays”, accepted for presentation at the 154th AES Convention, AES Europe 2023, Helsinki, May 13-15, 2023.

  6. Vryzas N., Vrysis L., Stamatiadou M.-E., Kotsakis R., and Dimoulas C., “The effect of geometry information in blind estimation of room acoustic parameters”, accepted for presentation at the 154th AES Convention, AES Europe 2023, Helsinki, May 13-15, 2023.

  7. Bountourakis, V., Vryzas N., & Dimoulas C., “Circular harmonic processing with an ad-hoc smartphone array for speech enhancement,” Proceedings of the 152nd Audio Engineering Society Convention (AES Europe Spring 2022), The Hague, May 7-8, 2022.

  8. Stamatiadou, M., Vryzas, N., Vrysis, L., Saridou, T., & Dimoulas C., “A citizen science approach to support joint air quality and noise monitoring in urban areas,” Proceedings of the 152nd Audio Engineering Society Convention (AES Europe Spring 2022), The Hague, May 7-8, 2022.

  9. Thoidis, I., Vryzas, N., Vrysis, L., Kotsakis, R., Kalliris, G., & Dimoulas C., “Disentangled estimation of reverberation parameters using temporal convolutional networks,” Proceedings of the 152nd Audio Engineering Society Convention (AES Europe Spring 2022), The Hague, May 7-8, 2022.

  10. Moraitis G., Dimoulas C., Koutras A., “An audio application for indoor navigation and orientation for visually impaired persons”, 11th Greek National Conference "Acoustics 2022", Thessaloniki, 14-16 October, 2022.

  11. Kapetanas D., Dimoulas C., Mourjopoulos I., “Acoustical Design for the Conversion of an Existing Building to an Integrated Area for Music Rehearsal and Sound Recordings”, 11th Greek National Conference "Acoustics 2022", Thessaloniki, 14-16 October, 2022.

  12. Parnalis-Palatzidis G., Stamatiadou M.-E., Dimoulas C., “Automated Audio Captioning using Deep Learning Techniques”, 11th Greek National Conference "Acoustics 2022", Thessaloniki, 14-16 October, 2022.

  13. Stamatiadou M.-E., Vrysis L., Vryzas Ν., Dimoulas C., “Identifying sources of air pollution from their audio footprints”, 11th Greek National Conference "Acoustics 2022", Thessaloniki, 14-16 October, 2022.

  14. Siamtanidou E., Stamatiadou M.-E., Vryzas Ν., Vrysis L., Dimoulas C., “A prototype web-based game for crowdsourcing speech emotion recognition samples”, 11th Greek National Conference "Acoustics 2022", Thessaloniki, 14-16 October, 2022.

  15. Iliadis A., Thoidis I., Vryzas Ν., Vrysis L., Dimoulas C., “Music Information Retrieval Techniques for Rhythmic Drum Pattern Generation”, 11th Greek National Conference "Acoustics 2022", Thessaloniki, 14-16 October, 2022.

  16. G. Kalmpourtzis, G. Ketsiakidis, L. Vrysis, T. Xi, X. L. Wang and C. Dimoulas, “Eliciting Educators’ Needs on the Design and Application of Augmented Reality Educational Board Games on Cultural Heritage: The case of CHARMap,” 2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2021, pp. 1282-1286, doi: 10.1109/EDUCON46332.2021.9453877.

  17. Vrysis, L., Thoidis, I., Dimoulas, C., & Papanikolaou, G., “Experimenting with 1d CNN architectures for generic audio classification,” Proceedings of the 148th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Vienna (Virtual), June 2-5, 2020.

  18. Dimoulas, C., & Veglis, A., “Factors and models contributing to the optimization of search engine results credibility and application on news content: the cross-credibility engine optimization (CCEO) model”, In Proceedings of the 23rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, pp. 144-147, ACM, Nicosia, 28-30 Nov. 2019.

  19. Vryzas, N., Katsaounidou, A., Kotsakis, R., Dimoulas, C. A., & Kalliris, G., “Audio-Driven Multimedia Content Authentication as a Service”, Proceedings of the 146th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Dublin, 20-23 March 2019.

  20. Vryzas, N., Sidiropoulos, E., Vrysis, L., Avraam, E., & Dimoulas C., “jReporter: A Smart Voice-Recording Mobile Application”, Proceedings of the 146th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Dublin, 20-23 March 2019.

  21. Filippidis P-M., Vryzas N., Kotsakis R., Thoidis I., Dimoulas C., & Bratsas C., “Audio Event Identification in Sports Media Content: The Case of Basketball”, Proceedings of the 146th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Dublin, 20-23 March 2019.

  22. Katsaounidou, A. & Dimoulas, C., “The Role of media educator on the age of misinformation Crisis”, In Proceedings of the EJTA Teachers’ Conference on Crisis Reporting, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18–19 October 2018.

  23. Sidiropoulos E., Vryzas N., Vrysis L., Avraam, E., & Dimoulas C., “Collaborative collection and Multimedia Mapping of Crisis Semantics”, In Proceedings of the EJTA Teachers’ Conference on Crisis Reporting, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18–19 October 2018.

  24. N. Vryzas, M. Matsiola, R. Kotsakis, C. Dimoulas and G. Kalliris, “Subjective Evaluation of a Speech Emotion Recognition Interaction Framework,” Proceedings of 13th Audio Mostly (A Conference on Interaction with Sound), North Wales, 12-14 Sept. 2018.

  25. N. Vryzas, L. Vrysis, R. Kotsakis & C. Dimoulas, “Speech Emotion Recognition Adapted to Multimodal Semantic Repositories,” in Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 18), Zaragoza, 6-7 Sept. 2018.

  26. P-M Filippidis, C. Dimoulas, C. Bratsas & A. Veglis, “A Unified Semantic Sports Concepts Classification as a Key Device for Multidimensional Sports Analysis,” in Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 18), Zaragoza, 6-7 Sept. 2018.

  27. C. Vagias, L. Vrysis, C. Dimoulas & G. Papanikolaou, “Speech enhancement on the cloud by means of adaptive Wavelet-domain Wiener filtering”, 9th Greek National Conference “Acoustics 2018”, Patra, 8-9 Oct. 2018.

  28. A. Ntalakas, N. Tsipas, C. Dimoulas & G.Kalliris, “Web radio automation and "big data" of audio (and audiovisual) semantic annotation”, 9th Greek National Conference “Acoustics 2018”, Patra, 8-9 Oct. 2018.

  29. Vryzas N., Katsaounidou A., Kotsakis R. andDimoulas C. , “Investigation of Double Compression Techniques for the Detection of Multiple Recordings in Audio Content”, 9th Greek National Conference “Acoustics 2018”, Patra, 8-9 Oct. 2018.

  30. Vrysis L., Vryzas N., Sidiropoulos E., Avraam E. & Dimoulas C.A., “Automating audio recording best practices on mobile devices”, 9th Greek National Conference “Acoustics 2018”, Patra, 8-9 Oct. 2018.

  31. Vryzas N., Katsaounidou A., Kotsakis R., Dimoulas C., and Kalliris G., “Investigation of Audio Tampering in Broadcast Content”, Proceedings of the 144th AES Convention, 23-26 May 2018.

  32. Vryzas N., Sidiropoulos E., Vrysis L., Avraam E. & Dimoulas, C. A., “A Mobile Cloud Computing Collaborative Model for the Support of On-Site Content Capturing and Publishing”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Communication & Management (ICCM2018), Athens, Greece, 23-26 April 2018.

  33. Filippidis P.-M., Dimoulas, C. A., Bratsas C., & Veglis, A., “A Multimodal Semantic Model for Event Identification on Sports Media Content”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Communication & Management (ICCM2018), Athens, Greece, 23-26 April 2018.

  34. Katsaounidou A., Matsiola M., Dimoulas C., “Controversial content broadcasting and the role of television”, Proceedings of the International Conference 50 Years of Greek Television, in Vamvakas V. & Paschalidis G. (Eds.), Epikentro, Thessaloniki 2018.

  35. N. Vryzas, A. Liatsou, R. Kotsakis, C. Dimoulas, and G. Kalliris, “Augmenting Drama: A Speech Emotion-Controlled Stage Lighting Framework”, Proceedings of 12th Audio Mostly (A Conference on Interaction with Sound), ACM, 2017.

  36. Ntalakas, A., Dimoulas, C. A., Kalliris, G., & Veglis, A., “Drone journalism: generating immersive experiences”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Communication & Management (ICCM2017), Athens, Greece, 24-27 April 2017.

  37. Vrysis L., Tsipas N., Dimoulas C. & Papanikolaou G., “Extending Temporal Feature Integration for Semantic Audio Analysis”, Proceedings of the 142nd AES Convention, 20-23 May 2017.

  38. Vryzas N., Kotsakis R., Dimoulas C. & Kalliris G., “Investigating Multimodal Audiovisual Event Detection and Localization”, Proceedings of the 11th Audio Mostly (A Conference on Interaction with Sound), ACM, 2016.

  39. Katsaounidou A., Vryzas N., Kotsakis R., & Dimoulas C., "Audio-Based Digital Content Authentication", In Proceedings of the 8th Greek National Conference “Acoustics 2016” (in Greek), Piraeus, 3-4 October, 2016.

  40. Vrysis L., Tsipas N., Dimoulas C. & Papanikolaou G., “Mobile Audio Intelligence: From Real Time Segmentation to Crowd Sourced Semantics”, Proceedings of the 10th Audio Mostly (A Conference on Interaction with Sound), ACM, 2015.

  41. Vryzas N., Dimoulas C. & Papanikolaou G., “Embedding sound localization and spatial audio interaction through coincident microphones arrays”, Proceedings of the 10th Audio Mostly (A Conference on Interaction with Sound), ACM, 2015.

  42. Tsipas N., Zapartas P., Vrysis L. & Dimoulas C. “Augmenting Social Multimedia Semantic Interaction through Audio-Enhanced Web-TV Services”, Proceedings of the 10th Audio Mostly (A Conference on Interaction with Sound), ACM, 2015.

  43. Tsipas N., Vrysis L., Dimoulas C. & Papanikolaou G., “Content-Based Music Structure Analysis using Vector Quantization”, Proceedings of the 138th AES Convention, pp. 419 - 424, 2015.

  44. Psomadaki Ο., Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., “Planning and development of the SmArt Project of Thessaloniki for the promotion of art and culture", Proceedings of the 1st Panhellenic Conference on Digitization of Cultural Heritage, Volos, September 2015, 138-146.

  45. Kotsakis R., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G. and Veglis A., “Emotional descriptors and Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics in evaluating Mediated Learning”, in proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2014), pp.232-237, 7-9 July 2014.

  46. Kalliris G., Matsiola M., Dimoulas C. and Veglis A., “Emotional aspects in Quality of Experience and Learning (QoE & QoL) of Audiovisual Content in Mediated Learning”, in proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2014), pp.198-203, 7-9 July 2014.

  47. Tsipas N., Vrysis L., Dimoulas C. & Papanikolaou G., “Tools and machine learning techniques for semantic audio analysis”, proceedings of the 7th Greek National Conference “Acoustics 2014”, pp. 128-135, Thessaloniki, 20-21 Oct. 2014.

  48. Galios K., Dimoulas C. & Kalliris G., “Construction and evaluation of α soundfield microphone”, proceedings of the 7th Greek National Conference “Acoustics 2014”, pp. 356-362, Thessaloniki, 20-21 Oct. 2014..

  49. Sidiropoulos E. A., Kotsakis R. G., Dimoulas C. A., Kalliris G. M. & Veglis A. A., “Audio Semantic and Intelligent Processing Concepts in the New Media Environment: A Cloud Computing Model”, proceedings of the 7th Greek National Conference “Acoustics 2014”, pp. 395-402, Thessaloniki, 20-21 Oct. 2014.

  50. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., “Investigation οf wavelet approaches for joint temporal, spectral and cepstral features in audio semantics”, Proceedings of the 134th AES Convention, pp. 509-518, 2013.

  51. Tsipas N., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G., “Collaborative annotation platform for audio semantics”, Proceedings of the 134th AES Convention, pp. 218-222, 2013.

  52. Vrysis L., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G., “Mobile Audio Measurements Platform: Towards Audio Semantic Intelligence into Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, Proceedings of the 134th AES Convention, pp. 183-189, 2013.

  53. Kotsakis R. G., Dimoulas C. A., Kalliris G. M., “Contribution of stereo information to feature-based pattern classification for audio semantic analysis”, Seventh international workshop on semantic and social media adaptation and personalization (SMAP 2012), pp.68-72, 3-4 Dec. 2012, doi: 10.1109/smap.2012.26

  54. Kotsakis R., Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., “Investigation of salient audio-features for pattern-based semantic content analysis of radio productions”, Proceedings of the 132nd AES Convention, pp. 513-520, 2012.

  55. Chiras Ch., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Veglis A., “Audiovisual information management training demands in the new media environment: the AVIMAN learning portal case”, 2nd PAnhellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications (PACET 2012), Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-18 March 2012, online: http://www.pacet.gr/index_htm_files/P216_.pdf

  56. Vrisis L., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G. M., Papanikolaou G., "SPL Meter: Sound Pressure Level Meter software development on a smartphone (iPhone)", Proceedings of the 6th Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2012", Corfu, 8-10 October 2012.

  57. Kotsakis R. G., Kalliris G. M., Dimoulas C., “Classification techniques of audio events in radio productions and the exploitation of (stereo) audio properties”, Proceedings of the 6th Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2012", Corfu, 8-10 October 2012.

  58. Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., Veglis A., Matsiola M., “Investigating Quality of Experience and Learning (QoE & QoL) of Audiovisual Content Broadcasting to learners over IP Networks”, Proceedings of the Sixteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC11), art. no. 5983946, pp. 836-841, 2011.

  59. Avdelidis K., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G, Papanikolaou G., “Designing Optimal Phoneme-Wise Fuzzy Cluster Analysis”, Proceedings of the 128th AES Convention, paper no. 8137, London, May 22-25, 2010.

  60. Avdelidis K., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G, Papanikolaou G., “A Heuristic Text-Driven Approach for Applied Phoneme Alignment”, Proceedings of the 128th AES Convention, paper no. 8134, London, May 22-25, 2010.

  61. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., "Adaptive processing by means of exponential averaging techniques for audio signal detection, segmentation and management of radio production content", Proceedings of the 5th Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2010", Athens, 4 - 6 October 2010.

  62. Sevastiadis C., Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., "Noise protection of the camping of AUTh due to an open air beach bar: combined effect of structural treatment and electroacoustic installation", Proceedings of the 5th Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2010", Athens, 4 - 6 October 2010.

  63. Koutros M., Sevastiadis C., Papoutsi A., Dimoulas C., "Acoustic and electroacoustic design of the lecture amphitheatre in the historical building of the Faculty of Philosophy of the AUTh", Proceedings of the 5th Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2010", Athens, 4 - 6 October 2010.

  64. Kalliris G. and Dimoulas C., “Audiovisual Content Management Issues for the New Media Environment”, Proceedings of the International Conference “New Media and Information: Convergences and Divergences”, Athens, Greece, 6-9 May 2009.

  65. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Avdelidis K., Papanikolaou G., “Improved Localization of Sound Sources Using Multi-Band Processing of Ambisonic Components”, Proceedings of the 126th AES Convention, paper no. 7691, Munich, May 7- 10, 2009.

  66. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Avdelidis K., Papanikolaou G., “Spatial Audio Content Management within the MPEG-7 standard of Ambisonic Localization and Visualization Descriptions”, Proceedings of the 126th AES Convention, paper no. 7692, Munich, May 7- 10, 2009.

  67. Vegiris C., Dimoulas C. and Papanikolaou G. “Audio Content Annotation, Description and Management Using Joint Audio Detection, Segmentation and Classification Techniques”, Proceedings of the 126th AES Convention, paper no. 7661, Munich, May 7- 10, 2009.

  68. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G., " Soundfield microphone simulation and surround / 3D sound design techniques for 3D-graphics and digital-characters movie production", Proceedings of the 4th Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2008", Xanthi, Greece, 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2008.

  69. Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., "SNR improvement during sound recording using adaptive Wiener filters and multi-microphone recording layouts", Proceedings of the 4th Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2008", Xanthi, Greece, 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2008.

  70. Vegiris C., Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., "Automated audio detection and audio pattern recognition in live multi-channel surround sound recording and transmission", Proceedings of the 4th Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2008", Xanthi, Greece, 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2008.

  71. Dimoulas C., Avdelidis K., Kalliris G. and Papanikolaou G., “Sound Source Localization and B-Format Enhancement Using Sound Field Microphone Sets”, Proceedings of the 122nd AES Convention, paper no. 7091, May 2007.

  72. Dimoulas C., Vegiris C., Avdelidis K., Kalliris G. and Papanikolaou G., “Automated Audio Detection, Segmentation, and Indexing with Application to Postproduction Editing”, Proceedings of the 122nd AES Convention, paper no. 7138, May 2007.

  73. Dimoulas C., Avdelidis K., Kalliris G. and Papanikolaou G., "MPEG-7 based content management and analysis of long-term acoustic phenomena", Proceedings of the 2rd Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2006", pp. 425-432, Herakleion, Creete, 18-19 Sept., 2006.

  74. Karvouniaris P., Campobello G., Dimoulas C., Bamnios G., "Software development application for the extraction of sound-musical information into midi signals", Proceedings of the 2rd Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2006", pp. 419-424, Herakleion, Creete, 18-19 Sept., 2006.

  75. Dimoulas C., Kardaras C., Kalliris G., Avdelidis K., Papanikolaou G., "Development of distance acouometry method", Proceedings of the 2rd Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2004", pp. 181-186, Thessaloniki, 27-28 Sept., 2004.

  76. Kalliris G., Avdelidis K., Vagiokas N., Goussios C., Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., Pastiadis K., "Noise and vibrations in workplaces: estimation, prediction, protection", Proceedings of the 2nd Greek National Conference of Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) "Acoustics 2004", pp. 421-430, Thessaloniki, 27-28 Sept., 2004.

  77. Parlantzas Ε., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G., Sevastiadis C., “Software Application for Electroacoustic Measurements Using the Time Delay Spectrometry (TDS) Method”, Proceedings of the 116th AES Convention, paper no. 6007, May 2004.

  78. Fouloulis A., Goussios C., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G, Papanikolaou G., “A Software Application for the Estimation of Room Acoustics Behaviour by Multi-Source Excitation”, Proceedings of the 116th AES Convention, Proceedings of the 116th AES Convention, paper no. 6102, May 2004.

  79. Papanikolaou G., Kalliris G., Goussios C., Dimoulas C., “An Application of Ambiophony for the Enhancement of the Reverberant Environment inside the Walls of a Byzantine Castle”, Proceedings of the 114th AES Convention, paper no. 5792, March 2003.

  80. Goussios C., Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., Charalampidis S. and Papanikolaou G., “Improvements of a Horn-loaded Omnidirectional Sound Source”, Proceedings of the 114th AES Convention, paper no. 5750, March 2003.

  81. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G. and Kalampakas A., “Abdominal sounds pattern classification using advanced signal processing and artificial intelligence”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation (CIMCA 2003) /ISBN 1740880684, pp. 71-82, Feb 2003.

  82. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G., "A graphical user friendly software for room acoustics studies", Proccedings of the 1st Greek National Conference "Acoustics 2022", 30 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2002, Patras, Greece.

  83. Avdelidis K., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Bliatsiou C., Pasias T., Stoitsis G., & Papanikolaou G., “Multilingual Automated digital talking character”, proceedings of the IBC 2002 Convention, Amsterdam Sept. 2002.

  84. Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., Avdelidis K., Passias T., and Stoitsis J., “Phoneme recognition for 3d modelled digital character talking emulation”, Proceedings of the AES 112th Convention, paper no. 5626, May 2002.

  85. G. Papanikolaou, G. Kalliris, F. Galatsopoulou, C. Dimoulas, "Design and Implementation of the course "Digital Audio" in the framework of the Distance Learning Project of AUTh", 1st Greek National Conference on Open and Distance Learning, Open Greek University, 25-27 Mai 2001, Patras, Greece.

  86. Ε. Fitsiori, Ζ. Bafera, C. Dimoulas, G. Kalliris, G. Papanikolaou, "Development of distance learning support tools in advanced graphics environments", 1st Greek National Conference on Open and Distance Learning, Open Greek University, 25-27 Mai 2001, Patras, Greece.

  87. D. Α. Christidis, C. Dimoulas, G. Kalliris, C. Sevastiadis, Ν. Kountouras & G. Papanikolaou, "Design and development of a psycho-physiological biomedical application for objective evaluation of noise effects to human", 1st Greek National Conference of the Greek Psycho-Physiological Society, 7-10 June 2001, Makedonia Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece.

  88. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Sevastiadis C., Papanikolaou G. and Christidis D., “Development of an engineering application for subjective evaluation of human response to noise”, Proceedings of the AES 110th Convention, paper no. 5408, May 2001.

  89. Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G. and Dimoulas C., “Broad-Band Acoustic Noise Reduction using a Novel Frequency Depended Parametric Wiener Filter. Implementations using Filter-bank, STFT and Wavelet Analysis/Synthesis Techniques”, Proceedings of the AES 110th Convention, paper no. 5382, May 2001.

  90. Sevastiadis C., Rizakos C. Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., “Development of a distance learning environment, with a media on demand server and dynamic web pages. Application for digital audio Internet courses”, Proceedings of the AES 110th Convention, paper no. 5348, May 2001.

  91. Dimoulas C., Sevastiadis C., Kalliris G., Matsiola M., Papanikolaou G., “Room Acoustics and Sound System Design of a Prototype Teaching Room with Videoconferencing Facilities”, Proceedings of the AES 108th Convention, paper no. 5141, February 2000.

  92. Sevastiadis C., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G., “Acoustical Adaptation of a Closed Amphitheater Designated for 3D Sound Reproduction”, Proceedings of the AES 108th Convention, paper no. 5142, February 2000.

  93. Papanikolaou G., Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., Pastiadis C., Galatsopoulou F., “Deployment of Internet Resources for Digital Audio Learning Courses”, Proceedings of the AES 108th Convention, paper no. 5121, February 2000.

  94. Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., Kalliris G., Pastiadis C., “Computer aided systems for prolonged recording and analysis of human bowel sounds”, Proceedings of the JOINT ASA / EAA / DEGA MEETING ON ACOUSTICS, Berlin, March 14 – 19, 1999.

  95. Pastiadis C., Papanikolaou G., Dimoulas C. and Kalampakas A. “Intestinal Motility Recording and Analysis”, Proceedings of the VIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing MEDICON ’98, Lemesos, Cyprus, 1998.


Conference announcements without proceedings

  1. Avraam E., Veglis A., & Dimoulas C., “News article consumption habits of Greek internet users,” Presented at the 6th International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM-2021), abstracts: https://coming.gr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2021_CommunicatinginaModernWorld_Abst_Book_FINAL_ICCM2021.pdf, Athens 1 - 3 August, 2021.

  2. Sidiropoulos, E., Vryzas, N., Vrysis, L., Avraam, E., & Dimoulas C., “Modelling a collaborative mobile platform for knowledge-based information retrieval and filtering from news publishing in the media ecosystem”, Presented at the Future of Journalism conference 2019, Cardiff, 12-13 Sept. 2019 (presented and in proceeding abstracts: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1700383/FoJ_2019_Book_of_Abstracts.pdf).

  3. Vryzas, N., Sidiropoulos, E., Vrysis, L., Avraam, E., & Dimoulas, C., “Machine-assisted reporting in the era of Mobile Journalism: the MOJO-mate platform”, Presented at the 5th International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM-2019), Athens, 15-18 April 2019 (presented, in proceeding abstracts: http://coming.gr/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ABSTRACT_BOOK_ICCM2019_AB_GOOD.pdf).

  4. Katsaounidou, A., Vryzas, N., Kotsakis, R., and Dimoulas, C., “Multimodal News authentication as a service: The ‘True News’ Extension”, Presented at the 5th International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM-2019), Athens, 15-18 April 2019 (presented and in proceeding abstracts: http://coming.gr/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ABSTRACT_BOOK_ICCM2019_AB_GOOD.pdf).

  5. Dimoulas C., Tsourvakas G., Kalliris G., Papakis N., “Audiovisual content management for the new media environment and economic aspects”, presented at the 10th World Media Economics and Management Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 23-27, 2012.


Invited lectures, seminars and other presentations
  1. Dimoulas C., Archiving and management of audiovisual sport content, invited lecture on sport Journalism professionals organized by PSAT (PanHellenic association of sports press) funded by Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Thessaloniki, April 1, 2017.

  2. Dimoulas C., Semantic analysis and management intelligent processing of audiovisual sport content, invited lecture onsport Journalism professionals organized by PSAT (PanHellenic association of sports press) funded by Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Thessaloniki, April 8, 2017.

  3. Dimoulas C., Digital content authentication: Technological challenges and the role of Journalist, Workshop on “Tools detecting and validating the reliability and accuracy of video content spread via social media: The InVID platform”, Thessaloniki, 14 December 2017, https://www.auth.gr/news/press/24860

  4. Dimoulas C., Intelligent analysis, searching and archiving of sports content, invited lecture in the framework of the 1st training /life-long learning seminars organized by PSAT (PanHellenic association of sports press), Union of Journalists of Daily Newspapers of Macedonia - Thrace (ESIEM-Th), Thessaloniki, May 20, 2015.

  5. Dimoulas C., "Multimedia and video", training seminars of the Media Parks Project, Laboratory of Electronic Media, Thessaloniki, March – June 2015.

  6. Dimoulas C., "Journalistic content archiving issues: semantic annotation and intelligent audiovisual content management", invited lecture organized by the Educational Foundation of the Union of Journalists of Daily Newspapers of Macedonia - Thrace (ESIEM-Th), Feb. 2014.

  7. Kalliris G. and Dimoulas C., "Wikimedia Commons and opportunities to participate in a free media repository", scientific meeting: "Collaborative Content Development: The case of the Greek Wikipedia", Thessaloniki, 28 Nov. 2012.

  8. Dimoulas C., "Audiovisual production, digital editing - processing and content management in the Internet", invited lecture/workshop within the seminar "New media and Internet: Content production and publishing (text, image, video)", Regional Press Institute, Agioi Pantes Apokoronas, Chania, Crete, July 2012.

  9. Dimoulas C., Veglis Α., Gardikiotis Α. and Kalliris G., "Audiovisual analysis and psycho-physiological monitoring of human communication and their influence in the education process", scientific meeting of the Educational Policy Committee of AUTH on "Graduate Studies and Educational practices in AUTH", Thessaloniki, March 31 - April 1, 2012.

  10. Dimoulas C., "Semantic analysis and audio content management techniques", invited lecture in Dept. of Sound Technologies and Musical Instruments, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Ionian Islands, Kefalonia, March 2012.

  11. Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., Matsiola M., seminars on Training Journalists in New Media Technologies "Sound and Video in the Internet: Advanced Applications (pod-casting and i-reporting)", organized by the Educational Foundation of the Union of Journalists of Daily Newspapers of Macedonia - Thrace (ESIEM-Th), Laboratory of Electronic Media AUTh, Thessaloniki, April 2011.

  12. Dimoulas C., "Broadcasting of cultural events in real time via the Internet", presentation of the results of the related research project (G. Papanikolaou, scientific coordinator), Sony European Professional Solutions Road-Show, Thessaloniki, reference at Radio-Link magazine (vol. 33) p. 71, 2008.

  13. Papanikolaou G., Dimoulas C.,"High Defunition TV (HDTV) and the "slow revolution" of digital cinema (D-cinema): myths and reality", Workshop, 21st Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, Thessaloniki, 23 March 2007.

  14. Dimoulas C., "The clarinet in the Greek tradition: Vaios Maliaras, his life and work", invited lecture within the cultural event for the presentation of the above multi-lingual/ interactive DVD-video title, Larisa, 27 May 2004.

  15. Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Papanikolaou G. and Kalampakas A., "Prolonged recording, data manipulation and analysis of human bowel sounds using multi-channel, continuous acquisition and streaming to disk techniques", National Instruments World Wide Conference "NI-Days 2002-2003", Thessaloniki 2003.

  16. Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., "Presentation of the Greek tradition through an interactive DVD-video title", invited lecture for the "Information Society in Rural Areas", Municipality of Kato Olympos Larisas, 12-13  Dec. 2003 (reference in the Eleftherotypia news paper, 27/12/2003). 

  17. Papanikolaou G., Dimoulas C., "From High Definition Television (HDTV) to digital cinema (D-cinema)", symposium on "Present and future of internet meta-media", in the 43rd Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Mylos Thessaloniki, 13-14 November 2002.

  18. Dimoulas C., Papanikolaou G., "New technologies in the service of culture: From Theory to Practice", symposium: "Languages as bridges of communication between peoples in the era of globalization and new technologies", Technological Institute of Larissa, 28 November 2001.

  19. Papanikolaou G., Kalliris G., Dimoulas C., "The Challenge of Digital - Electronic Cinema", symposium on "Digital Film and Creativity", within the 42nd Thessaloniki Film Festival, Olympion Thessaloniki, 16/11/2001.


Undergraduate Courses

School of Journalism and Mass Communications AUTh

    • Electronic Media (2012-2022)
    • Technologies and Application of Audiovisual Media (2022-)
    • Digitization and Visualization of Information (2023-)
    • Laboratory of Electronic Media I – Radio (2012-2022)
    • Laboratory of Audiovisual Media Ι – Radio (2022-)
    • Laboratory of Electronic Media II – TV (2012-2022)
    • Laboratory of Audiovisual Media ΙΙ – TV (2022-)
    • Informatics Technologies and Application in Communication
    • Multimedia authoring and management technologies in electronic media (2014-2021)
    • Technologies and Application of Multimedia Journalism (2021- )
    • Human Computer Communication .

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUTh (2017- )

    • Audio and Video Technology: Recording, Processing, Broadcasting

    Teaching assistant as a PhD candidate (1998-2006)

    • Electroacoustics Ι
    • Electroacoustics ΙΙ
    • TV Systems

Department of Electronics (ex ATEITh) (reserach associate/adjunct lecturer, 2004-2011)

    • Sound Systems
    • Radio-TV Production
    • Media Technology-I
    • Media Technology-ΙΙ
Graduate courses
Post-Graduate Program of School of Journalism and Mass Communications AUTh
    • Web Radio
    • Web TV
    • Multimedia Journalism

Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies "Advanced Computer & Communication Systems", School of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUTh

    • Audio recording, processing, and management techniques (2007-18)
    • Audio recording and processing techniques (2018 - )
    • Video recording, processing, and management techniques (2007-18)
    • Video recording and processing techniques (2018 - )
    • Laboratory of RadioTV Production (2007-2017)
    • Laboratory of Multimedia Production (2007-)
    • Audiovisual Information Retrieval (2018 - )
    • Digital content authentication (2018 - ):

“Master of Arts in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism”, English language MA Program of School of Journalism and Mass Communications AUTh

    • DIM 102 – Digital tools in new media (2015 - )
    • DIM 103 – Digital content Production (text, image, sound & video) (2015-16)
    • DIM 111 – Multimedia Journalism: Authoring for Interactive Media (2018-2022)
    • Digital media authoring: Non-linear and interactive storytelling (2016-18)

Interdepartmental Master's Program "Information and Communication Technologies: Law and Policy", School of Law, AUTh

    • TPEA1 - Communication and information flow management technologies

MA program "Acoustic Design and Digital Audio (ASP)", School of Applied arts and Sustainable Design,
Hellenic Open University

    • Module «ASP-50: Sound and Arts» (2016-2021)
    • Module «ASP-50: Acoustic Design» (2021 - )
    • Module «ASP-61: Digital Sound» (2018-19)

Interdepartmental Program of Postgraduate Studies “Protection Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments”

    • Methodologies and Practices in Multimedia Production Techonologies (2016-17).

Doctoral Dissertations

  • Main supervisor

    1. Interactive and collaborative environments to support digital content authentication [Anastasia Katsaounidou, successfully completed and defended, with an excellent grade, in April 2020, receiving a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), http://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/318930].

    2. Audiovisual stream analysis and management automation in digital media and mediated communication [Nikos Vryzas, successfully completed and defended, with an excellent grade, in December 2020, receiving a scholarship from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.), http://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/326357].

    3. Knowledge mining from big journalistic data [Michalis Niarchos, started March 2020, ongoing].

    4. Semantic Processing of Multimedia Data in Mobile Journalism Services [Marina Stamatiadou, started October 2020, ongoing].

    5. Gamification and Mediated Education Technologies in Digital Literacy [Eleni Siamtanidou, started March 2021, ongoing].

  • Member of the three-member supervising committee

    1. Audiovisual Processing and Analysis of Mediated Communication, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUTh [Lazaros Vrysis, successfully completed and defended in 2019, with an excellent grade, https://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/305871].

    2. Non Linear Communication Technologies for the Cultural Management: The Case of Thessaloniki, School of Journalism and Mass Communicatios AUTh [Ophelia Psomadaki, successfully compleed and defended, with an excellent grade, in 2018, receiving a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), https://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/301380].

    3. News on the Web: Use and impact of technological tools on journalistic content and media websites, School of Journalism and Mass Communicatios AUTh [Dimitrios Giomelakis, successfully compleed and defended, with an excellent grade, in 2019, https://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/309968].

    4. Semantic Web and Journalism: Technological Challenges & New Patterns of Journalism Practice, School of Journalism and Mass Communicatios AUTh [Kosmas Panagiotidis, started 2015, ongoing].

    5. Practices and tools in Data Journalism, School of Journalism and Mass Communicatios AUTh [Christina Karypidou, started 2018, ongoing].

Mετα-διδακτορικές έρευνες - Διατριβές

    1. Study of the effect of time slots in the consumption of news content in Greece [Avraam E., succesfully completed in 2021 with a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)].


Achievements and Awards
  1. Excellence award from the “Excellence Committee of Aristotle University” as a mentor of the research robotic team P.A.N.D.O.R.A., having significant activity and distinctions at international level, 18 December 2017 (https://www.auth.gr/news/press/24869).

  2. Distinction –2nd place winner at the RoboCup Rescue Autonomous vehicle category (Robot PANDORA), 2015, http://www.auth.gr/news/articles/19133 (http://www.auth.gr/news/articles/19133).

  3. Distinction –3rd place at the MIREX 2015 (Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange) competition in the “Music/Speech Detection” tasks (https://www.auth.gr/news/articles/19594).

  4. Award for the implementation of A+ Electronic Media course in the Open Courses Program of AUTh (https://opencourses.auth.gr/courses/OCRS105/, https://opencourses-project.auth.gr/node/158).

  5. Distinction –2nd place winner at the RoboCup Rescue Autonomous vehicle category (Robot PANDORA), 2013, (http://www.auth.gr/news/articles/16136).

  6. Financing from the Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE) AUTh on an Excellence project (within the framework of supporting new researchers and newly appointed Lectures) focusing on “Contemporary electronic media technologies: intelligent content processing, analysis and management techniques”, 2013

  7. Scholarship on Post-Doc research from Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE) AUTh on “Advanced Audiovisual Processing and Content Management Techniques: application to audiovisual production and digital media”, Laboratory of Electronic Media, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, 2008.


Research Projects

Principal investigator AUTh

  1. “Searchable multi-dimensional Data Lakes supporting Cognitive Film Production & Distribution for the Promotion of the EuropeaN Cultural HeritagE (SCENE)”, European Program: HORIZON, DG/Agency: REA, CALL: HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01, Role: Researcher/AUTh Coordinator, 2022-2025.

  2. “Wearables and droneS fOr CIty Socio-Environmental Observations and BEhavioral ChangE (SocioBee)”, Program Horizon 2020, REA, Role: Researcher/AUTh Coordinator, 2021-2024.

  3. “Panhellenic Conference on Acoustics 2022”, self-financed project, project coordinator, 2022.

  4. “News reporting and publishing services: collaborative cloud computing models (MIS 5005033)”, project under the call EDBM34 Support of researchers with emphasis on young researchers, Role: Principal researcher – project coordinator, 2018-2019.

  5. “Mediated communication and multimedia interaction technologies in new computing environments”, PhD scholarship program, funded by ELIDEK, Role: supervisor, project coordinator, 2017-2019.

  6. Contemporary electronic media technologies: intelligent content description, analysis and management techniques (Excellence Program funded by the Special Account for Research Funds/ELKE, AUTh)”, Principal researcher, 2013.

  7. Tradition, young and new forms of communication in the era of globalization and new technologies”, Project coordinator under the role of scintific advisor of Cultural Club of Pirgetos, funded by the General Secretariat of Youth (organization of cultural events - entertainment and projection of audiovisual spectacles using ICTs), 2002-2003.


Researcher, research team member

  1. Mediterranean Digital Media Observatory (MedDMO)”, Topic: DIGITAL-2021-TRUST-01-EDMO, Type of Action: DIGITAL-SME, Role: Researcher (Digital Europe Work Programme 2021-2022, Call Digital Transformation: DIGITAL-2021-TRUST-01, TOPIC ID: DIGITAL-2021-TRUST-01-EDMO), 2022-2025.

  2. MediaVerse: A universe of media assets and co-creation opportunities at your fingertips”, Programme H2020-EU.2.1.1., Funding Scheme IA – Innovation action, Grant agreement no 957252, Role: Researcher - Research Associate CERTH, 2022-23.

  3. An innovative, Student-Centered Approach to Intercultural Skills Acquisition for Students and Young Migrants (ΜΑΤΕ)”, Erasmus+ (KA2), Role: support, media literacy, social media/communication, 2021.

  4. Preventing Hate Against Refugees and Migrants (PHARM)”, European project funded by the European Union, within Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2019 (GA n. 875217), Role: researcher /sub-coordinator on Machine /Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing tasks, 2020-22.

  5. Post-Graduate Master's Program: Digital media, communication and journalism”, Role: substitute project coordinator ELKE/ AUTh (self-financed), 2018-23.

  6. Semantic services and participatory journalism management models”, project under the call EDBM34 Support of researchers with emphasis on young researchers, Role: substitute project coordinator ELKE/ AUTh, 2018-2020.

  7. Digital projection of the history and culture of Meteora and Olympus - Integrated destination management system of District of Thessaly (ESPA Project, District of Thessaly)”, Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE) AUTh, Role: Electrical and Computers Engineer, Scientific Consultant - Technical manager (ICT services), Integrated technical studies (acoustic, electroacoustic, audiovisual equipment), 2014-2018.

  8. Organization of media park - educational seminars of Thessaloniki”, Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE) AUTh, Role: production of educational material / instructor of seminars, 2015.

  9. Scaffolding Scalable Software Services, EU Program, Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructure”, European Research Project: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures, Role: Research in Software Engineering topics (technical specifications etc.), 2014-2016.

  10. Integrated Service of the Greek Academic Electronic Books Repository”, Operational Program Education and Lifelong Learning (GREEK ACADEMIC ELECTRONIC NOTEBOOKS & AIDS), Creation of Electronic Textbooks and Aids, under the role of: a) lead author, and b) the evaluator of proposals in the context of Call 1 Engineering Sciences and Informatics, Special Account of Research Funds of the National Technical University of Athens (ELKE NTUA), 2014-2016.

  11. Academic collaboration AUTh - Center for Greek Studies AUTh” (production of educational material and teaching of the course MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION in English, AUTh, 2015).

  12. Open Courses: development of digital courses in the Aristotle University”, ESPA, production and management of the open course Electronic Media (type A+), School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Role: production of educational material / educator, 2013.

  13. Ε-movie: a portal for the promotion of students’ creativity in the audiovisual production domain”, Greek Research and Technology Network -GRNET, Role: implementation of learning resources for students’ support on audiovisual production technologies, initial design, and user interaction issues, in Laboratory of Electroacoustics and TV Systems, 2009-2010.

  14. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for the Reformation of the Undergraduate Program of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh”, Operational Program for Education and Initial Vocational Training II (O.P. Education II, EPEAEK II), Greek Ministry of Education, Role: design and development of multimedia applications - virtual laboratories and workshops on topics of technology of sound and video, in Laboratory of Electronic Media AUTh, 2003-2008.

  15. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for the Reformation of the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Electronics ATEITh”, Operational Program for Education and Initial Vocational Training II (O.P. Education II, EPEAEK II), Greek Ministry of Education, Role: installation of audiovisual equipment in TV studios, teaching content restructuring and creation of new educational material (printed - Multimedia) for sound and video technology -related courses, in Dept. of Electronic ATEITh, 2006-2008.

  16. Standard for the evaluation of hygiene and safety in the workplace”, Program of the General Secretary of Research and Technology (GSRT) with coordinator the ELINYAE (Hellenic Institution of Hygiene and Safety in the Workplace), Role: assessment, prediction models and protection measures for the effect of noise and vibration on workers, in Laboratory of Electroacoustics and TV Systems, AUTh, 2003-2005.

  17. Applications in school and lifelong education”, Operational Program for Education and Initial Vocational Training II (O.P. Education II, EPEAEK II), Greek Ministry of Education, Role: Instructor of ICT seminars, design of multimedia classrooms including technical specifications for the acquisition of dedicated ICT equipment, Internet applications and e-learning services, in School of Philosophy and Pedagogy AUTh, 2002-2003.

  18. Scientific Support for the 2003 Greek EU Presidency on the Information Society e-Europe”, Greek Ministry of Transport and Communication), Role: research on contemporary ICT technologies in technical, economical and legislation level, including regulatory analysis framework for broadband access, optimal use of spectrum, e-Learning services (e-administration/e-government), European network for research and education purposes (GEANT), 3G/3G+ mobile services, digital television platform, etc., 2002-2003.

  19. cEVU: A Collaborative European Virtual University”, European Commission – Education and Cultural Directorate General -IST 2003, Role: implementation of pedagogical models and pilot actions regarding the Greek experience and practice in distance-learning programs, 2001-2003.

  20. Evaluation of provisions and fuel clean technologies” (acoustic measurements, vehicle emission noise analyses, School of Mechanical Engineering AUTh, 2002).

  21. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Improving the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Curricula of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Aristotle University”, Operational Program for Education and Initial Vocational Training II (O.P. “Education” II, EPEAEK II), Greek Ministry of Education, Role: preparation and submission of the operational action plan for financing the proposed project, in a period of 2 months (in collaboration with faculty members).

  22. Teaching Modern Greek as a mother and as a second / foreign language”, EPEAEK I project, Role: Administrative support, financial and technical project management, ICT specialist - laboratory supervisor, 1998-2001.

  23. Linguistic Communication and Modern Greek as a second/foreign language”, EPEAEK project, Role: Administrative support, financial and technical project management, ICT specialist - laboratory supervisor, 2001-2003.

  24. Record, edit and playback audio and video”, self-financed by private entities, Role: Engineer - Research in technologies of sound and video, Laboratory of Electroacoustics and TV Systems AUTH, 2001.

  25. Professional training of philologists - Phase II”, EPEAEK I, Role: Conducting training seminars, production of educational material, School of Philosophy and Pedagogy AUTh, 2001.

  26. Tele-education of telephone company staff (OTE) of Western Macedonia Region”, self-financed OTE project, Role: Conducting distance training seminars, production of educational material on Digital Audio Processing, AUTh, 1999.

  27. Support for the participation and promotion of school units or networks as training providers in the design, organization, implementation, evaluation of fast-paced optional training programs”, EPEAEK I, Role: Conducting training seminars, production of educational material, School of Philosophy and Pedagogy AUTh, 1998-99.

  28. Development of the www.komvos.edu.gr domain in the Greek Language Center”, EPEAEK I, Role: Supervising leader of Task 2.2: Software acquisition and installation, developer of web applications and e-learning services, 1998-2000.

  29. Education and training of graduates using distance learning methods in AUTh”, EPEAEK I, Role: Technical and administrative support, financial and technical project management, instructor of the course "Digital audio and image processing", 1998-1999.



Member of scientific organizations and editorial boards

  • Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece as Dipl. Electrical Engineering since 06/15/98 (Member No. 79171).

  • Member of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) since 29/9/2008 (Member No. 190).

  • Secretary General of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) since November 2020.

  • Member of the scientific institute IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) since 1/1/2003 (Member No. 41520569).

  • Member of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) since 28/1/2008 (Member No. 5888)..

  • Member of the AES (Audio Engineering Society) since 29/4/09 (Member No. 79675).

  • Member of editorial board/editorial advisory board of the Heliyon journal (2019-).

  • Associate editor of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES) on signal processing and semantic audio topics, https://www.aes.org/journal/ed_board.cfm

  • Guest Editor of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES).

  • Guest Editor of the Sustainability journal (ISSN: 2071-1050).

  • Guest Editor of the Future Internet journal (ISSN: 1999-5903).

  • Guest Article Editor of the Sage Open journal (ISSN: 2158-2440).

  • Editorial board member of the International Journal of Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation (IJFSCI): https://www.corpuspublishers.com/journal-editorial-board/international-journal-of-forensic-science-and-criminal-investigation--26

Member of organizing committees of conferences

Reviewer of scientific publications

  • Reviewer of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES).

  • Reviewer of the journal IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.

  • Reviewer of the journal IEEE Access.

  • Reviewer of the journal Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, ΙΕΕΕ.

  • Reviewer of the journal IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

  • Reviewer of the ICASSP 2023: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (https://2023.ieeeicassp.org/)

  • Reviewer of the ICASSP: 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (https://2020.ieeeicassp.org/)

  • Reviewer of the journal Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer).

  • Reviewer of the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (Springer).

  • Reviewer of the journal International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.

  • Reviewer of the Journal of Cultural Heritage (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA).

  • Reviewer of the journal Engineering (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Digital Signal Processing (DSP, Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Computers in Biology and Medicine (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Medical Engineering & Physics (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Heliyon (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Data in Brief (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Computers & Security (Elsevier).

  • Reviewer of the journal Physiological Measurements (Institute of Physics, IOP).

  • Reviewer of the journal Algorithms (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Applied Sciences (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Axioms (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Computers (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Education Sciences (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Electronics (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Entropy (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Information (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Mathematics (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Sensors (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Symmetry (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the journal Technologies (MDPI).

  • Reviewer of the International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS).

  • Reviewer of the journal SN Applied Sciences (Springer).

  • Reviewer of the Plos One Journal.

  • Reviewer of the journal SAGE Open.

  • Reviewer of the journal BioMedical Engineering OnLine.

  • Reviewer of the EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing.

  • Reviewer of the journal Measurement Science and Technology (IOP, special issue on Imaging Systems and Techniques 2011).

  • Reviewer of article in the third edition of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (IGI).

  • Reviewer of the journal CUADERNOS.info.

  • Reviewer of the Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE –Α (JZUS).

  • Reviewer of the 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 154 AES Conventions.

  • Reviewer of the IEEE 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021), Virtual Event, 18–22 July, 2021 (https://ieee-cis.org/conferences/ijcnn2021/index.php)

  • Reviewer of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2022), 18-23 July 2022, Padova, Italy (https://wcci2022.org/)

  • Reviewer of the IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Virtually in Tampere, Finland, September 21–24, 2020 (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=9287101)

  • Reviewer of the IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Virtually in Tampere, Finland, September 21–24, 2020 (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9733493)

  • Reviewer of the IEEE 24th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Shanghai, China (hybrid),  September 26-28, 2022 (https://attend.ieee.org/mmsp-2022/)

  • Reviewer of the “Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Science (Engineering Sciences & Technology)”.

  • Reviewer of the Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Experience for Multimedia Communications - QoEMC2016 (http://qoe.diee.unica.it/)

  • Reviewer of the International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI) and member of the ASPAI International Program Committee, https://www.aspai-conference.com/, 2019-2022 (first-fourth conference).

  • Reviewer in the 3rd Conference of Acoustic Ecology “Acoustic Ecology and Education”, 2014, http://akousedu.wordpress.com/

  • Reviewer of the 6th International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Services & Security (MCSS’13).

  • Reviewer of the 2014 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2014).

  • Reviewer of the 2013 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2013).

  • Reviewer of the 2012 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2012).

  • Reviewer of the 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (17th DSP-2011).